Our vision: “To be a leading business group creating advanced and sustainable living environments in Israel and around the world, for us and for generations to come.”

As a group engaged in construction, infrastructures, real estate, energy and water, Shikun & Binui acknowledges its potential impact on the communities and environment in its countries of operation.

Thus, in 2007, Shikun & Binui chose to adopt the vision of sustainability as a cross-sector business strategy. Value- and business-driven, this choice is reflected in the Company’s incorporation of environmental and social considerations – alongside business ones – into the regular course of our business.

In addition to recognizing the impact of our activities on many people over generations, we are aware of the need to continuously adapt ourselves to the ever-changing world. That is why we focus on sustainable development – which meets present needs without compromising the ability of future generations to sustain themselves.

Inspired by the vision of sustainability, Shikun & Binui strives to implement a common language and way of thinking among the Company’s employees and executives for the benefit of society, the economy and the environment.

In the spirit of these values and based on our vision, we developed daily tools to implement the values on both the organizational and personal levels. Using a gradual and consistent process, our values are translated into a range of practical tools and organizational and managerial decision-making routines, in order to ensure that our actions will have a positive impact on the people and the entities touched by our actions.

תודה! פנייתך התקבלה.

במידה וקורות החיים יימצאו מתאימים למשרה, נציגינו ייצרו עמך קשר.

במידה ולא זומנת לראיון או למבחני מיון בתוך 30 יום מפנייתך, לא תיחשב כמועמד ויש לראות הודעה זו כהודעה בכתב על אי
 קבלתך לתפקיד, בהתאם להוראות החוק.