As a public company, whose shares and securities are traded on the Tel Aviv Stock Exchange, Shikun & Binui operates in accordance with advanced principles of corporate governance, which ensure transparency and sustain the confidence of stakeholders and financial markets in the Company’s proper conduct.
Corporate governance at Shikun & Binui means an entire array of processes, policies, company organs, controls, procedures and rules, according to which the Company’s operations are managed and supervised.
The Company’s work procedures take into account all its stakeholders – shareholders, management and Board of Directors, employees, suppliers, customers, regulators, banks and other lenders, the business environment and the community in which the Company operates.

The Board of Directors

Shikun & Binui’s Board of Directors is responsible for formulating Shikun & Binui Group’s strategy and policies, managing its risks and overseeing management. 
The members of the Board have professional experience, knowledge and skills in the Company’s fields of activity. The Company’s Board of Directors comprises seven members, including the Chairperson of the Board. Four members are independent directors, two of whom are external directors.

The Board of Directors performs its duties, inter alia, through committees, which are staffed by Board members. The board committees play a significant role in overseeing the Company’s management.
Shikun & Binui’s Board of Directors has six committees:

  • Audit Committee
  • Finance and Financial Statements Review Committee
  • Compensation Committee
  • Sustainability Committee
  • Corporate Governance Committee
  • Human Resources Committee
The Company’s Management

The Code of Ethics

Shikun & Binui’s Code of Ethics reflects the guiding values and principles to which the Company is committed. The Code of Ethics outlines the rules of conduct expected of each Company employee, executive, director and anyone acting on its behalf. The Code of Ethics is available in 11 languages and the Company’s employees and managers are expected to review it, be familiar with it and act in line therewith.
Click here for the Company’s Code of Ethics 
The Code of Ethics deals with a wide range of topics, including, inter alia, sustainability; compliance with the law; prevention of conflicts of interests; prohibition on the use of inside information; commitment to  safety; prohibition on corruption and bribery; treating co-workers, suppliers and customers; prohibition on sexual harassment and discrimination; antitrust; and more. 
To ensure that the Company’s employees and executives are familiar with the Code and understand it, a Code of Ethics handbook was distributed to all Company employees, the Code was uploaded to the Company’s organizational portal and public website, and the Company holds training sessions and circulates updates on the matter.

תודה! פנייתך התקבלה.

במידה וקורות החיים יימצאו מתאימים למשרה, נציגינו ייצרו עמך קשר.

במידה ולא זומנת לראיון או למבחני מיון בתוך 30 יום מפנייתך, לא תיחשב כמועמד ויש לראות הודעה זו כהודעה בכתב על אי
 קבלתך לתפקיד, בהתאם להוראות החוק.