A PPP project for the construction of an office building owned by the Group’s Concessions Division, which involved designing, financing, construction, operation and delivery.

A BOT project to build the world’s largest seawater desalination facility, with a production capacity of 130 million m3 of water per year. Solel Boneh Infrastructure carried out the civil engineering and marine works aspects of the project. The desalination plant, located near the Orot Rabin power plant in Hadera, covers an area of approximately 18 acres.

The Carmel Tunnels were one of the largest and most complex BOT projects ever executed in Israel.
Four one-way tunnels, totaling about nine kilometers, were dug, connecting the Krayot Interchange, Ruppin Interchange and Hof Hacarmel Interchange. The tunnels’ maximum depth is 200 meters below ground. In addition, one of the largest interchanges in Israel was built, consisting of seven bridges on four levels.
Due to the proximity to residential neighborhoods – and out of concern for the residents and the environment – the project was conducted with strict adherence to environmental values and stakeholder engagement.
In 2011, the project won the first prize in the competition for excellence in construction and infrastructure, in the Super-Infrastructure category, by the Association of Builders of the Land.

The largest BOT project ever executed in Israel, covering 140 kilometers, with 13 interchanges and 150 bridges. The project is expected to grow over the coming years, reaching 247 km in length.

Paving of a 154-km long toll road to be operated by Shikun & Binui for 25 years, as part of a multi-national project to upgrade the country’s road system
National Police Academy

Featuring 38 buildings, this BOT project covers approximately 57 acres and a built area of 62,000 m².
The center includes residential buildings for cadets and staff, office buildings, a cafeteria, public buildings, an advanced training complex, shooting ranges, an athletics stadium and sports equipment.
Pumped Storage Gilboa

A BOO project for the financing, planning, construction and operation of a power plant that enables to store power by pumping water from a lower reservoir to an upper reservoir and is available for use when necessary by releasing the water from the reservoir at the upper level to a reservoir on the lower level.
SH 288 Express Toll Lanes P3

An S&B USA Concessions and S&B USA Construction P3 project for planning, financing, construction, operation, and maintenance of 10.3 miles of 4 lane toll roads, including 54 bridges and 18 interchange ramps, as well as upgrading, operation, and maintenance of existing infrastructure in Houston, Texas. S&B USA was a member of the construction JV, and is part of the investment group which will own, operate and maintain until 2069.